My New Featherweight Table
I have to show off the table for my Featherweight sewing machine, a gift from my husband!
My husband is a woodworker, so he understands the concept of cutting something up into pieces and putting it back together in a new and different way. His woodworking complements my quiltmaking, but even more so now.
I found this design online for an Arts & Crafts Style Featherweight Sewing Table by Jenny Ogborn. I love Arts & Crafts style furniture, so this is the perfect design for my Featherweight. My husband was in-between projects, so I bought the pattern/woodworking plans.
The sewing table can be made with or without hinges. Building the table with hinges allows pieces of the table to be broken down, folded, and either stored or transported. It also can come apart for storage without the hinges, but would require more space.
Having a woodworker for a husband really comes in handy. How fabulous is this table!
It’s made with quarter-sawn oak and a medium stain. I just love the look of the grain in the wood.
My Featherweight has been lonely, sitting in its case for 4 years since I bought it. Now I can set it up in its own special table. Woo hoo!
Back to sewing . . .
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