Paper Piecing

Paper Piecing is one of those techniques a quilter either loves or hates.  I enjoy paper piecing, although I don’t do it very often.

I came across a paper pieced pattern that I had planned to make for a dear friend.  I finally sat down to work on it before Christmas.  I didn’t meet the Christmas deadline (ugh!), but it was gifted shortly after.

The pattern is for a small wallhanging, so some of the sections are tiny.

Paper Piecing

It always takes me some time to get my head wrapped around a foundation pieced project.  You have to think backwards!  But once I’ve adjusted, sewing is quick.

And then there’s all that trimming.

Paper Piecing and trimming

Yup, lots of tiny pieces.  But foundation piecing is the best way to handle all those pieces.

Paper Piecing

There’s quite the pile of trimmings at the end of the project.

Paper Piecing and trimming

And – Ta Dah! – a cute little wallhanging with the best message.

You Rock!

Thanks to Sam Hunter and Hunter’s Design Studio for a fun pattern.


P.S.  In case no one told you today, You Rock!

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