One pattern complete, and one to go. Luckily, most of the graphics for RickRack can be copied from Gemma. The fabric requirements and cutting instructions are somewhat different. I needed to create a new layout for the quilt top and a new exploded version of the construction. Many more hours later, the draft of RickRack is done.
Now both patterns are off to the testers. Frankly, I’ve read and re-read the patterns so many times, I just don’t see the mistakes. I need fresh eyes on the patterns to find the flaws. Fortunately, I have many quilters who volunteer to test my patterns, at all skill levels. They look at typos, grammar and punctuation. They check the fabric requirements, the math and the measurements. Then they actually sit down and sew, making the quilt top according to my directions. Do the directions make sense and are they easy to follow? Is any part confusing? Could I have worded something better? Does the top come out the way it’s supposed to?
By the end of the month, the testers should have their quilt tops done, and will be able to send me their critiques. They’ll catch what I missed, and I’ll be able to make the corrections and incorporate their comments. I would just hate to publish a pattern with mistakes in it!
Until then, I’ll be working on a new class sample for a retreat in the fall. Stay tuned!
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