Playing with the Star 60 Tool

This week I finally got to play with the Star 60 tool.   This newest tool from Studio 180 Design has been out for about a year, and three new technique sheets with additional designs for the tool were just released.  Here we go!

Star 60 ToolStar 60 tool

The Star 60 tool creates wedges at a 60 degree angle.  Just as with the other Studio 180 Design tools, the units are made oversized and trimmed down to the correct size.  With this tool, you can make 17 different sizes of the wedge unit.  With these wedges, you can make triangles, half-hexies, and hexies.

I’m starting with the basic hexie block with a six-pointed star.  I’ll make 3-inch finished units to create a 6-inch finished block. Using the Star 60 tool, I cut triangles and diamonds from 3 fabrics.

Diamonds and triangles 1Diamonds and triangles 2

First I add the right triangle to the diamond, press, and then add the left triangle and press.

Add right triangleAdd left triangle

I trim these triangles to the correct size and shape, using the guidelines for the 3-inch size on the tool.

Trim 1Trim 2Trim 3Trim 4

I sew the six triangles together to create the hexie.  Since each triangle (wedge) are the same size and shape, they fit together perfectly.

Look at all those nice sharp points in the center!

Six Pointed StarSix pointed star


Once you have a handle on making the basic wedge, all kinds of other designs are possible using the additional technique sheets.  Here’s the Capped 60 Star:

Capped 60 Star

The Striped 60 Star:

Striped 60 Star

and the Checkerboard 60 Star:

Checkerboard 60 Star

Making a hexie block is *so* much easier with the right tool!

Two more designs for the Star 60 will be released soon, and I’ll post about them here.  Till then, keep on sewing!

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