Skyfall Block #34!

Here’s the last 5-inch block, using the Corner Beam tool and the V Block tool.  There are tiny pieces in this star, but I know you can handle it!  Next month we move on to 6-inch blocks.

Rules for the BOM:  One block will be featured from Skyfall each month between newsletter editions.  The block will only be available for free during that one month.  Once we have moved on to the next block, previous blocks will only be available for a $5 charge per block.  No exceptions!

Skyfall Block #34

Skyfall Block #34


Block #34 is available for $5 by contacting me directly at


There are over 50 different stars in Skyfall, which you can use to create your own galaxy.  When all the stars have been completed, there will be a contest for the best layout designs.  Start making plans for your design now!


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