The Card Tricks blocks and sashing are done.  Now it’s time to put the rows together.

I have 20 Card Tricks blocks, which I’ll be laying out 4 across by 5 down.  There is sashing between the blocks, so there will also be sashing rows between the block rows.  This pattern also has red cornerstones in the sashing.



When joining the sashed blocks, make sure to line up the ends to keep the row straight, and be careful not to cut off the points.



When sewing the sashing strips to the cornerstones, keep those seams straight.  You want the finished red square to actually be square and straight.  Don’t let them skew or wobble!



I’ve pressed both sets of rows so that the seam is pressed toward the sashing strips.  Now when the rows are sewn together, the seams will nest to help you line up the seams and blocks.



As you can see, I’m a crazy pinner.  If you can gets those seams matched and flat without pins, go for it.  But I need to pin.



Yes!  The seams line up, and the points are sharp.



And here’s the completed center.



Next post:  the borders.  🙂



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