The Great Ornament Challenge 2020


The Great Ornament Challenge 2020


I’ve had so much fun collaborating with my friends, Cindy Lohbeck and Tammy Silvers, on the Great Ornament Challenge 2020.  All three of us are teaching a class on a different ornament, over the course of three weeks.


The Great Ornament Challenge 2020


Most of the work in my quilting job is solitary:  computer work, designing patterns, sewing samples.  Now that lectures and classes are virtual, I don’t have that face-to-face relationship with my students.  But working on this group project has been great!  Planning, designing, getting a new perspective from other designers has really motivated me to do something new.  Comparing notes and bouncing ideas off each other gives me the kick in the butt I need.  This has been a great experience, and I’m really looking forward to other group projects.


Part 2 of the Challenge – my Folded Fabric Ornament – starts tonight.  I get to share my project with my students and Cindy and Tammy’s too!


Since all three classes are recorded, there’s still time to join the fun in The Great Ornament Challenge.  If you’re interested, sign up here.


And don’t forget to stop by Cindy Lohbeck’s  Dyehard’s Studio and Tammy Silvers’ Tamarinis websites to meet my friends.



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