If you saw my studio tour on December 5, you may have noticed the Quilt Goddess hanging near my fabric stash.


The Quilt Godess


I bought this batik at a batik lecture and trunk show many years ago.  I had originally had planned to use her as the center of a quilt, and hung her up in my studio to study her and let some ideas incubate.  There she stayed for many years, because the perfect quilt design never came to mind.


I originally thought this piece was signed by the artist “Togo,” but I’ve since found out that it was created in Togo, in Western Africa.  More about African batik, or wax prints, here.


I think she is just adorable.  Occasionally as I’m working in the studio, I glance over and smile at the silly butterfly in her hair.  She is bright and cheery, and she brings me joy.


The Quilt Goddess


Since she has been hanging there in the studio for many years, I’ve come to think of her as the Quilt Goddess, watching over me as I work.  When we had our last outdoor guild meeting in November, I brought her to show-and-tell.  I told everyone that over the winter months, as they sat and sewed, they should think of the Quilt Goddess watching over them, too.  Hopefully she’ll bring us good weather in the spring so we can again gather outdoors to have our meetings.


So, no, I won’t be making a quilt with this particular batik piece, because she is perfect just the way she is.  <grin>


Do you have a special “something” in your sewing space that brings a smile to your face?  Please share.



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