I’m still plowing through my UFOs.  Once upon a time, I took a class with Dianne Hire called Positive/Negative Scrollwork.  This was a cool experiment on positive and negative space in quilt design.   I had gotten as far as applying fusible to the fabric, cutting out the shapes, and fusing the shapes onto two of the four squares.  Each square is 12 1/2″.  That’s what I had pulled out of the closet.

So now I had to fuse the other two squares, then align the four squares so that the scrollwork design lined up across all four squares.  Then I had to sew the four squares together, making sure that the design still lined up.  For some reason, I had trimmed two of the squares smaller, but it worked anyway.



I had planned to satin stitch around all the raw edges to give the piece some texture.  But no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get a smooth satin stitch.  The tension was off, either too loose or too tight.  I tried with two different sewing machines, and still couldn’t get it to work.  Finally I got tired of ripping out, so gave up and just sewed a straight stitch 1/8″ away from all the edges.



The stitches are hard to see, but believe me, they look great!

I’m actually planning to quilt this piece myself.  I think echo quilting in the background will do the trick.  This will probably take me a while, so in the meantime, here’s an update on UFO #2:

UFO #2 is a purple and yellow star quilt that was a group project from the Souhegan Valley Quilt Guild.  I sent it off to the lovely and talented Kyra Reps to quilt it for me.  Kyra performed her magic, and made it truly fabulous.



Here are some close-ups:



I can’t wait to bind this quilt and hang it on the wall!  Thanks so much, Kyra!

I guess I’m done with UFOs for a while, because coming up next is a new project with these lovelies. What will they become?


Stay tuned!


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