Writing Pattern Instructions


Yesterday I worked on the photos and graphics for the Ohio Star block featured in this month’s Skyfall Block of the Month.  Today I’m writing the actual instructions.



Writing pattern instructions is not easy.  What makes sense to you may not make sense to another quilter.  How many times have you bought a pattern or followed a recipe, only to be frustrated by incomplete or inaccurate measurements or instructions?  I’ve bought my share of bad patterns, and I won’t buy from those designers again.


I really make an effort to write complete instructions.  I know a lot of quilters are visual learners, so step by step directions need to have diagrams too.  And yet, I don’t want the instructions to be *too* complicated or wordy, because that’s a turn-off too.  I try to be consistent with pattern writing so that when a quilter picks up one of my patterns, they know what to expect.


O.K., double-check fabric requirements.  You don’t want to run short!  Double-check cutting instructions.  You don’t want to waste fabric!  Check grammar and punctuation.


So much to think about when writing directions!


O.k., first draft is done.  I’ll set the pattern aside and look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow.


Now that I’ve dragged you into the boring part of patterns, I’ll try to do something fun tomorrow.  See you then!



If you are interested in my Skyfall Block of the Month, sign up for my Inspired Stitches Newsletter here.


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