Pincushions! I’m on a pincushion binge!

I took Kelly Cline’s “Create Your Own Vintage Pincushion” online class, and now I’m hooked.  Using vintage linens, I’m sewing and quilting on pincushions and having a ball.

You all probably have some of these old linens in a closet somewhere, right?

Antique table runner

These pieces have been saved because the workmanship is *so* appreciated, but at the same time, storing them in a closet and not using them seems such a waste.  Why not re-purpose them into something usable?

I think the hardest part of the whole process is actually cutting into a vintage piece.  The first cut is the hardest, but then it gets easier.  Look at all these beautiful pieces I can turn into something even more wonderful:

Cut up linens

I add some improvisational piecing to frame the embroidery or applique:

Framed pincushion pieces

Then I add some echo quilting to give the top some texture:

Quilted Pincushion Top

Add a backing, fill with crushed walnut shells, and you have pincushions!

Finished PincushionsOh so pretty, and oh so fun!

I highly recommend Kelly Cline’s online pincushion class.  You’ll learn about cleaning and preparing the linens, how to piece and quilt, and add beading and other details.  You can find more information and sign up here.

There’s my promo for the day.  I’m off to make more pincushions – till next time.



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